Singing Guide: Florrie Forde

Singing Guide: Florrie Forde

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Florrie Forde

Florrie Forde is known for her music-hall songs and flamboyant performances. With over 700 recorded songs, she was known for her loud and clear singing voice and her signature "breezy" style. If you're interested in learning how to sing like Florrie, read on.

Develop Good Breathing Techniques

Florrie's singing style was characterized by her ability to project her voice, which came from her strong breath support. Start by practicing deep breathing, using your diaphragm and abdominal muscles to control your breath. Singing exercises like Farinelli Breathing can improve your breath control and sustain. However, always make sure to practice breathing in a natural way that emphasizes good posture and avoids tension.

Project Your Voice

Florrie was known for her ability to project her voice clearly and loudly, even in large rooms without mics. To achieve this, practice using your chest voice and opening up your resonators, like nose and throat, while minimizing tension in the tongue, jaw, and neck. For exercises that work specifically on resonators, try Vocal Pitch Monitor, where you can see your sung notes on a virtual piano while matching pitch accuracy and resonance. Don't forget to also practice within your vocal range, which you can discover with our Vocal Range Test, so you can build up strength and familiarity with your voice.

Practice Singing Songs

The best way to learn how to sing like Florrie Forde is to sing her actual songs. Some of her hits include "Down at the Old Bull and Bush," "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag," and "Tipperary," each showcasing her upbeat, bold, and breezy singing style. Listen to her songs carefully and study the lyrics, phrasing, and dynamics. You can use our song search tool to find similar songs within your vocal range. Don't be afraid to also experiment with different genres and styles, and even create your own versions or covers.

Improve Your Articulation

Florrie Forde's style is characterized by clear and distinct diction, which is essential when singing music-hall songs. To achieve this skill, start by practicing your articulation drills. These can include exercises such as the Finger Bite drill, where you bite the edge of your finger while saying different syllables, or by simply practicing tongue twisters. Additionally, analyze your own voice using our voice analyzer tool to identify areas where you may need improvement.

Create a Performance Set

Once you're comfortable with Florrie Forde's style, it's time to create a performance set. Using our song search tool, you can match your vocal range to the songs you want to perform, and even create your own songbook filled with matching lyrics, sheet music, and karaoke tracks. Practice your setlist and receive feedback using our Vocal Pitch Monitor tool or by taking our singing course, which covers singing theory and practical tips.


Florrie Forde's music-hall singing style is a fun and challenging way to test your singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.